Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good Impressions

Anybody who's reading this.. Hmm..
Well,I guess you can say I have good grammar? Haha. I love it!(:
Well,maybe not. But,I'm getting it going!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saturday,Janurary 23,2010-The beginning of my blog(:

The beginning of my blog.....yes. I said the BEGINNING. The movie that inspired me is, "Julie & Julia". Or is it the other way around? Maybe,but im not sure... I'm only a young writer,just sharing my feelings on a BLOG. Haha,I never thought I would EVER get a blog. But since then I have many interesting,interests. Such as writing weird stories,playing unusually physical sports,and many more things. But if I would to list them all,this whole page would be filled probably.

Can you BELIEVE that ONE movie,just ONE,changed my whole view of blogging and writing? Actually that movie changed my whole perspective of writing. I never knew,just one thing can change a bunch of things in one little day.

Well,anything could change at any second. Just remember that,ok?? Whoever is reading this...